Adult Ministries
Come join us for worship and let's have coffee
after the service!
Classes will resume in August/September.
United Methodist Women

United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men is also a national organization. Our UMM group recently relaunched and with the help of some proactive men in our congregation they are thriving! The United Methodist Men meet as needed, often on a Saturday morning for breakfast or to participate in a hands-on missions activity like building crosses or sorting boxes for a local shelter. Want to know more? Call the Church Office at 765.654.5575.
United Methodist Women (UMW) is an organization that exists in Methodist Churches all over the country (and even the world!). Our UMW meets normally monthly on a Saturday or Sunday Evening (check the Events Calendar!) to fellowship and work to further the UMW vision of supporting local and global missions. Due to Covid, meetings are as needed. Our UMW also hosts annual fundraisers and events such as cooking classes and holiday party planning classes. Want to know more? Call the Church Office at 765.654.5575.

Emmaus and Chrysalis
Emmaus and Chrysalis are retreat-style spiritual growth weekends designed for Teens (Chrysalis) and Adults (Emmaus). These weekends are often considered life-changing and are perfect for someone who is looking to go deeper with their faith. Many members of our congregation have participated in a Chrysalis or Emmaus weekend, so just ask around!
Want to know more information about Emmaus or Chrysalis, call our church office 765.654.5575.
Ellie's Retreat
Ellie’s Retreat House is owned and operated by one of our St. Matthew members, Eleanor Pershing and is located in Frankfort. Ellie's Retreat is a spiritual place for time alone, for family or group gatherings, for attending workshops on a variety of subjects, or for creating your own workshop or retreat. Ellie’s offers weekly yoga classes and a monthly writing guild. The small chapel in the enclosed back yard is the perfect place for a small intimate wedding, using the house for a reception and for overnight guests.
The facility has 5 bedrooms (sleeps 13), 2 1/2 baths, kitchen (fully supplied), laundry room, living room, den, garage, and a basement with art gallery. Rental rates are very reasonable. As a non-profit, Ellie’s welcomes gifts and donations.
To find out about upcoming events or for more info about rentals or reservations, check out their Facebook page.