Our Beliefs and History
What is a United Methodist?
The United Methodist Church is the second largest protestant denomination in the United States with nearly 8 million members. Our churches are connected by a structure that guides and directs the policies and the work of the local church. Methodists, following the lead of John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the Methodist movement, place a strong emphasis on the work of God’s grace in a person’s life that is demonstrated by faith in action.
St. Matthew United Methodist Church strives to demonstrate the denomination’s vision of open hearts, open minds, open doors. If you would like to know more about what United Methodists believe please follow the link to the denomination’s website below.
If you would like to know more about what it means to follow Jesus Christ, please call 765-654-5575 and ask to speak to our Senior Pastor or email us by scrolling down and typing a message below!
Our History
St. Matthew has a long, rich history in Clinton County. The plans for the first Methodist Church in the county were formed in 1832. That first church was a 30 x 40 foot building on lot 77. In 1853, the congregation had grown to 240 members and a new church building on the square in downtown Frankfort was dedicated. The congregation continued to flourish and in 1883 plans began for the construction of the gothic-style structure that would house First Methodist Episcopal Church at 257 W. Main Street. Fast forward to 1966 and the building of our current facility. On September 4, 1966 the congregation began their morning worship at the downtown location and then processioned to the new location at 1951 Wilshire Drive. In 1968 with the merger of the United Evangelical Brethren and the Methodist denominations, the new name of St. Matthew United Methodist Church was adopted. St. Matthew continues to be an active part of the Frankfort community by intentionally putting our faith in action in ministry and mission.