Our Ministries

Youth Ministries and
Clinton County Youth Group
Youth Group and Youth Sunday school are designed for youth in grades 6-12. Youth are the future (and the present!) of our church, so we believe in providing enriching and encouraging opportunities for our youth! Click below to find our more about youth Sunday school, CCYG, and camp!
Children's Ministries
At St. Matthew, we know that faith begins early, so we do our best to offer fun and educational programming for kids of all ages. Click on the button below to learn more about our Nursery, Children's Sunday school, and our Preschool.

Adult Connection Groups
Many Adult Connection Groups take place during the 10am Connection Hour on Sunday Mornings. Click below to find out what exciting classes are being offered currently! Don't see a class you would like to attend? Let us know, or volunteer to start a new class!
We also offer adult connections such as The United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men's Groups and seasonal Parenting or other types of support groups.
Serving Opportunities
St. Matthew strives to be a church that responds to the calling to "Go Forth to Serve" so we are always planning opportunities to serve in our community. Have an idea for a serving project? Contact MaryKay Baker and ask about "Live Love Serve!"

Musical Opportunities
Are you a musician? Do you love to sing? Our musical groups that participate in our Sunday worship services may be the perfect fit for you! Click "Learn More" to find out how to join the fun!
Membership classes are offered yearly or when a class is desired. If you would like to find out more about the benefits of membership, baptism, or other church services, please contact our senior pastor, Rev. Dr. Darin Hendrey, by calling the church office at (765) 654-5575.